Safety Essentials
Check out these insightful tips:
- Your username and password for financial institution should be different to social or recreational sites and other websites where you may conduct transactions. Check out how to create a good password.
- Anti-virus software should be installed and set up to scan your system automatically.
- Ensure your computer and Internet browser are running the latest versions and updates. Visit the manufacturer's Web site and download any updates if needed.
- Change your user name and password frequently.
- Be conscious of what you allow to connect to your computer. Memory sticks, music players and mobile phone devices can spread viruses and may lead to a data leakage from your computer. Only allow devices that you trust or configure your computer to restrict access for connected devices.
- If you become a victim of identity theft, contact your financial institutions (banks, credit unions, credit card companies) who are affected and contact the following organizations which maintain information about your credit ratings.
You can contact Republic Bank's Call Centre to report any suspicious activity or to simply get information or guidance. You can reach our Call Centre at 1-800-271-4725 or 868-627-3348 for US/Canada (toll charged) or send an e-mail to: